Has Your Bank Made A Mistake? You Can Stop Your Foreclosure

Foreclosing on a home requires several steps that must be followed by the lender. Sometimes, the lender will make mistakes or will deliberately try to skip over some of these steps. A foreclosure that follows improper procedures is referred to as foreclosure fraud. But fortunately, there are ways to fight your wrongful foreclosure and either stop a foreclosure or receive compensation. You May Not Be in Default Some homeowners have been foreclosed on without actually being in default.

The Means Test And Bankruptcy

Whether you need relief from crippling debt, you have had unexpected medical expenses or you just made poor financial decisions, you may be able to make a fresh financial start with bankruptcy. If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, you should know that there are certain rules that regulate whether or not you are eligible to file. Bankruptcy courts take a hard look at your income and your ability to repay your debts before they allow you to declare bankruptcy.

Am I Eligible To File For Bankruptcy Under Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Laws?

Bankruptcy is a way that you can wipe out your unsecured debts and give yourself a much needed fresh start. Not everyone is eligible for using Chapter 7 bankruptcy though. Here is what you need to know to find out if you qualify.   Do You Have A History of Previous Bankruptcies? There is a waiting period between bankruptcy filings to prevent it from being abused. If you have previously filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, there is an 8 year waiting period until you can file for Chapter 7 again.

Answering Two Common Social Security Disability Questions

Suffering an injury or illness that results in you becoming permanently disabled can be one of the worst things that can happen to you. Unfortunately, these conditions can make it almost impossible for a person to support themselves financially, but this does not mean that you will have to fall into poverty. Social Security Disability is a program that is designed to act as a safety net for individuals that have found themselves in this situation.

Advice When Considering Filing For Consumer Bankruptcy

If you've found yourself in a difficult financial situation and cannot repay your debts, filing bankruptcy may be an option. The federal government has changed a few rules in order to allow people to file, so before you hire a bankruptcy attorney and begin submitting all of the paperwork, there are a few things you need to know. This information can help you file or even may help prevent you from having to file bankruptcy altogether.

3 Tasks You Need To Complete After The 341 Meeting

Once you get past the 341 meeting in your Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, you can breathe a little easier. However, there are still some tasks that you need to complete before your bankruptcy is finalized by the court.  341 Meeting The 341 meeting, or creditors' meeting, is a mandatory meeting in which your creditors can make challenges to the discharge of particular debts. Your creditors will have a chance to submit evidence that explains why the debt should stand and you be required to pay it.

Three Tips For Improving Your Credit After Bankruptcy

When you file for bankruptcy, it is inevitable that your credit is going to take a hit. Bankruptcy is one of the most influential events on an individual's credit score. With a subpar credit score, it is much more difficult to obtain and utilize credit. When a lender does extend credit to those with poor histories, it is generally at a high interest rate or riddled with fees. Taking steps to effectively manage your credit after bankruptcy puts you on the right track to improving your finances.

What Is The Difference Between Chapter 7 And Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Many people are in a difficult financial position and are looking for a way to have some relief. There are a couple different types of bankruptcy and chapter 7 and chapter 13 are the most common. When many people talk about bankruptcy they are talking about chapter 7 bankruptcies. Here you will learn what the difference is between chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcies so you can decide what route is right for you.

Get It Right The First Time: How To Avoid An Abusive Ruling On Your Chapter 7 Filing

Debt can feel like a sequoia tree hanging around your neck. Rather than enjoying a fun and fancy-tree lifestyle, you have to carry that burden of debt around with you wherever you go. Fortunately, laws exist to help you shed your past financial mistakes. Filing for a chapter seven bankruptcy is one way to shed your debts, but receiving a favorable ruling is far from a sure thing. A court may decide that you are abusing the intent of a chapter seven filing and rule against you.

3 Tips To Keep In Mind When Going Through The Bankruptcy Process

Filing for bankruptcy can be an incredibly big decision and you should never do it without compiling the right information. With this in mind, you'll want to be certain that you learn some critical tips that will help you prepare for your filing and make the right decisions along the way. To learn about a few tips that will help you make the most of your bankruptcy filing process, you should read this guide.

What You Should Know About Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

The second most people hear the term bankruptcy, they immediately put their guard up. They believe that bankruptcy is not for them, and that they are somehow better than that. This common negative association with bankruptcy is largely unfounded, and unfortunately, many people do not understand the truth about bankruptcy. Get to know some of the important facts about chapter 7 bankruptcy, specifically, so that you can understand the truth (rather than the misconceptions) about filing for bankruptcy.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy And Sole Proprietorship: The Only Way To Discharge All Debt

When you own a small business, the only way can eliminate business debt without having to liquidate all of your business' equipment and holdings is with a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. However, as a bankruptcy attorney will inform you, there are some very strict rules to this procedure. The most important thing you can do prior to starting your small business is to investigate how to eliminate business debt in the event that you get in way over your head.